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A school that excels in teamwork and friendship.

West District is home of many middle class students, but homes some other students from around the world.

Principal Takeo Ikumiya

A school that excels in scientific research and a justice driven environment.

North District is home to many northwest and northeast children, usually in a high class social status.  It's very rare to find South District students attending in the North, due to the commute to school.


Principals Taishou Sakagami and Yamahiro Tadashi

A school that tops in digital expertise, such as Rumbles and Digital World related topics.

South District is home to lower class students. While they come from a poor social status, determination makes up for their unfortunate upbringing.


Principal Kimiko Nishiyama

A school that specializes in unity, along with Digimon vs. RW Issues.

eNA is home to students who wish to bring the two worlds together through a means of combining them little by little.

Principal Mattina Famieus

A school that excels in the training between human and digimon.

cNA homes students who wish to strengthen the bond between themselves and digimon for the better of the two worlds.

Principal Akarui "Razor" Kihaku

A school that specializes in Digital Integration, the act of merging Digital World technology with the Real World and vice versa.

Students who attend wNA study the mechanical and agricultural differences between both worlds.

Principal Johnas Arithmaz

A school that isolates itself from the rest of the world to also study Digital Integration.

Students as well as their families join together to form a community to live amongst the digimon.

Principal ???

The only existing university that helps humans understand and assist the Digital World's growth.

Students here can learn several different careers that will strengthen their connection with the Digital World.

Admin Mithos Drasill

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